Browser Specific HTML

In the HTML5 world, Browsers, no matter IE, Firefox or Chrome share the same HTML parsing mechanism, the world is so wonderful.

However, if you still need to support the cursed IE8, IE9 or even older Internet Explorer, you may need to import or load different CSS, JS or even HTML code, you will need the following code to handle it

<!-- [if lt IE 7 ]> I am IE6 <![endif]-->
<!-- [if IE 7 ]> I am IE 7 <![endif]-->
<!-- [if IE 8 ]> I am IE 8 <![endif]-->
<!-- [if IE 9 ]> I am IE 9 <![endif]-->
<!-- [if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> I am IE10 / IE 11 or Chrome / Firefox <!--<![endif]-->

Please be aware that there are <!–> after the first tag and <!– before the 2nd tag for the Chrome and Firefox selector. It won’t work if you miss that