Use Google Drive as your Linux Server offsite backup

The source code can be found here

I have looking for offsite backup solution for my VPS, the are plenty of paid solutions, however, it will be perfect if we can leverage something like Google Drive and Dropbox. I use Google Drive for the time being.

It is a two steps process. First is obtained an OAuth Authentication from Google API. Second is using the Google Drive API to upload a file.

Google OAuth API

Google Drive API
Google Drive API

There are two script in my Github, the first one is helping you to get the credential and save it in a file (Storage), It is a one off process. The second step is using the credential you got and submit the file to Google Drive.

For the, you need to a new Application Secret from you Google Developers Console => Authentication Page. You need to select Create Client ID => Installed Application => Other (NOT IOS / Android). And then download the JSON file and place at the same directory as the python file.

Next, you run the python file with the following syntax. CLIENTSECRET_PATH is the JSON file in previous step. SAVE_STORAGE_NAME is the new Credential Storage file. Follow the steps in script to get the Application Authenticated ID

After you get the SAVE_STORAGE_NAME file, you can use it to upload the file, you don’t need to get a new SAVE_STORAGE_NAME every time, it will handle the OAuth Key Exchange for you. The command is as followed. FULL_FILENAME is the path to file you want to upload. STORAGE_FILE FULL_FILENAME

There are couples of vocabulary that help you to understand how the application runs.

Client ID and Client Secret: Google ID for your APPLICATION, not the User Identity. In OAuth, the Client ID is used to generate a URL for user to authenticate.

Credential: the application logic that help you to add application header to your HTTP Clients.

Storage: The media, either DB or File to store the credential, which can be reused later on. Furthermore, it also helps to handle the Renew of the Token.



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